The Stone Lion Inn

1×08 Taming The Stone Lion Inn

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The Stone Lion Inn Bed & Breakfast in Guthrie, Oklahoma has been featured in numerous books and TV series for its ghost stories. Sam and Geoff team up with The Okie Show Show podcast to check out the paranormal activity in a place that the owner refers to as being “a house with issues.”

Inside the Stone Lion Inn - photo by Dennis Spielman

Tales Unveiled is a production of The Show Starts Now Studios and is produced by Dennis Spielman. The voice of Sam Saxton is Dennis Spielman. The voice of Professor Geoff DeRoot is Jeff Provine. Featuring Brain, Laney, Nicholas, and Rebecca as themselves.

Want to solve a murder mystery or stay the night at the Stone Lion Inn for yourself? Visit for more information.

For Okie Show Show’s side of the story, check out the Okie Show Show wherever you get your podcasts.

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